Nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen für Hamburg
Beitrag vom 21. Juni 2021
Recycling in Germany

Beitrag vom 17.5.2021
Nowadays, Germany is one of the pioneering countries in terms of environmental protection and the use of renewable energies. One of the approaches on which the German government has based its action plan against climate change over the years is to encourage population to recycle and reuse the packaging and waste.
It is known that the beginning of the Germans‘ commitment to recycling occurred in 1991, with the packaging decree. Through this law, manufacturers had to collect, recycle, or reuse packaging after it was used by consumers. The objective was that by making companies responsible for the management of the containers, they would try to reduce as much as possible the waste they produced and improve the materials used so that they were as sustainable as possible.
Another measure that has increased citizen participation in recycling is the deposit return system. Through this system, the consumer buys a product and pays a deposit for using the packaging of that product. Once it has been used, the consumer goes to a return point and introduces the container in it. The return machine automatically reads the label on the container and calculates the deposit that the consumer paid on his day and returns it. In this way, companies ensure that consumers are going to return the containers and they only have to take care of taking them to a recycling point so that they are later returned to the cycle of use. It is very easy to locate the containers that have this deposit, since it is marked on their labels.
Thanks to these two remarkable measures carried out by the government and companies, Germany manages to recycle 98% of plastic containers and leads the collection of municipal solid waste, making Germany the second European country that recycles the most with a rate of 62% according to the European Environment Agency.
Besuch aus Spanien in Hamburg
Beitrag vom 11. Februar 2021
Energie-Reporterin Natalia berichtet aus Hamburg: Sie verbringt dort ihr Auslandssemester und kommt aus Portugal. Welchen Eindruck das Energiesystem in Deutschland auf sie macht erzählt sie in ihrem ersten Video – und macht einen Streifzug durch die Stadt.
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